Meet Josh

Posted by Huibert Fousert on

Kairos Traders is fortunate to have an intern working with us for the next few months. Josh will be working with us, contributing to our blog and social media. I asked Josh to introduce himself and here is a little about him.

I’m Josh Phillips. I am from Greenville South Carolina, and I have recently joined the Kairos Traders team as an intern. I am really excited to be a part of the team. I have seen first-hand the heart of Kairos Traders. A few months ago I went to Kathmandu, Nepal, and had the privilege of seeing Purnaa, Beauty for Ashes, as well as Five14 while I was there. I have met quite a few of the people who have truly benefited from the work that Kairos Traders has done.

Thank you, Josh! We are grateful to have you on the team!

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