Speak Up: Why it is important we speak up against human trafficking

Posted by Huibert Fousert on

Around here, we talk a lot about ending human trafficking in our lifetime. After all, Kairos Traders exists to promote businesses that do just that: end human trafficking.

According to reports, there are 40.3 million victims of modern-day slavery. It can seem like a hopeless battle to wage, but we believe business is a big part of the solution and it is time to speak up!

Businesses like Purnaa and Five14 that focus on the issue of human trafficking can help you speak up. When you wear a Purnaa beanie or a Five14 scarf, you can use these products as a symbol to represent the cause behind it, as well as a gateway to tell the story of how Purnaa hires people who are survivors of human trafficking, or are at risk to be trafficked. Making people aware of the issue is a key in fighting human trafficking.

By supporting our partners, you support men and women who came out of human trafficking. You are key to giving them a job and empowering a movement of fresh starts and fulfilled lives. By sharing the stories of Purnaa, Five14 and other businesses like them, you bring awareness to consumers who may never think about the implications of buying a mass-produced scarf at a big chain store.

Let's speak out and help end human trafficking in our lifetime!

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